How to Recover from the Death of a Loved One

Recovery best describes our spiritual and emotional healing from grief. Here are some things that to help in how to recover from the death of a loved one.

Grief Understanding

The journey of grief takes us inevitably through “the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4 RSV). We emerge at last from the darkness of grief into the light of new life, our soul restored through the loving care of God’s infinite grace.


When the careful restoration of our life is at last complete, our grief becomes a precious part of the infrastructure of who we are.


As our grief slowly moves beyond the pain of loss and loneliness, often we ask ourselves, “Will I ever be happy again?”


When we grieve, somewhere deep within we long to soar again.

Perfect Faithfulness

God is perfect. God is faithful. God’s perfect faithfulness is our one true guide through the valley of the shadow of death.

Grief Recovery

What is it about grief that seems so at odds with the notion of recovery?


If we're experiencing a kind of mental, emotional, or spiritual inertia, we may be temporarily stuck in our grief.

Clean Break

When our heartbreak comes from a love that's pure, true, and untarnished, putting the pieces of our life back together is a labor of love, the work of grief that honors the love we shared with the one now lost to us in death.

The Glow

When we grieve, really what we're seeking is the light that inspires our glow.


There are no seasonal "grief rules".


If this is the first holiday without your loved one, it's important to make a plan and structure the season accordingly.
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