Confidence: Day 6
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.
Isaiah 30:15 NKJV
The relearning of self-confidence occurs in a kind of post-grief puberty—the moment that lies somewhere between the waning sorrow of grief and newfound hope. This period of growth and instruction challenges you to rediscover yourself as a person of individual value and worth. Yet this moment in life may feel tepid and lukewarm. There is neither the cold darkness of grief nor the warm light of hope. Rather, this is a quiet phase, a time of readying, resting, and regrouping after the long journey through grief. It is a time of active waiting. Breathe, relax, rest. Learn again to hope.
God, thank you for quiet moments to grow in confidence and in your strength. Amen.
I stretch toward the open road of life—the way of hope, surprise, and joy.