Others: Day 1

Our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
Psalm 33:21 NRSV


With the death of your loved one, it may feel as though your whole world has been turned upside down and inside out. A serious side effect of loss is that, for a while, trust seems compromised. You may feel irrationally betrayed by the inability of medical professionals who could not save the life of your loved one. Perhaps you feel that you cannot trust those who offer care and perspective. When death shatters your world, trust in others may be a momentary casualty. It is a normal part of grief to retreat and withhold trust for a while.


God, trust in others is a formidable challenge. I pray that you will conform my wounded spirit to accept the human limitations of others and of myself. Amen.


In unconditional trust there is gladness of heart.