Comfort: Day 7

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 NRSV


When you are overwhelmed by grief, you may be truly un-comfort-able, that is, unable to receive comfort from others or from God. For a while, it is not possible for you to be comforted by anyone or anything. Your deepest desire is not for comfort as much as it is for the return of life as it was. How, then, do you open your heart to receive comfort? Rest. This day find rest for your soul in the love and grace of God, who comforts and strengthens your heart.


God, as I rest from grief today, I pray that you will comfort my heart. I believe in your eternal comfort. May I live and rest this day in hope. Amen.


The power of comfort reaches beyond death.