Confidence: Day 2

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Psalm 31:24 NIV


The seesaw of grief and hope teeters between two choices: living in apathy born of fatalism or living in passion born of hope. A sense of fatalism due to the death of your loved one tempts you to live in smallness rather than fullness, a kind of lifeless nothingness that feeds fatalism and obscures the hope of any passion yet to be. Even as you move forward with hope into life, grief may compel you from time to time to sift back through the events of life for un-mined treasure to store up in your heart. These are the memories of hope. This is the promise of passion yet to be.


God, may the hope that comes from and abides in you strengthen me to live in passion born of hope. Amen.


In hope my newborn life begins—passions reawakening.