Holidays: Day 6

You remember me in everything and maintain the traditions just as I handed them on to you.
1 Corinthians 11:2 NRSV


Holidays usually center on tradition. As the season approaches, your family may want everything “back to normal.” You may feel subtle pressure to be appropriately cheerful and gay. Your family may expect you to “be over” your grief. With the death of your loved one, family traditions may continue, or new traditions that honor his or her memory may be created. What you do this year does not have to become a permanent tradition. Your experience of grief may change the way you approach the holiday season. You may decide on a new format for the future.


God, your Word teaches the sanctity of spiritual tradition. May your grace be the unchanging tradition in my soul at this holiday season and always. Amen.


I resolve to have a “good enough” holiday, rather than a perfect holiday.