Physical: Day 3

Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; our God is merciful. The LORD protects the simple; when I was brought low, he saved me.
Psalm 116:5-6 NRSV


Everything new is an outward reflection of growing acceptance. If you buy sheets, tear out a wall, decide on a new car, or take a trip, you affirm acceptance of life as it is becoming. If you move from a family home, your physical place of daily life changes in acceptance of new life rather than loss. If you have made the decision to make a major change in life, such as returning to school, finding a new job, or remarrying, you are living in and with your acceptance.


God, I better understand your grace and mercy in my walk through grief. Humbled and brought low by death, I give thanks that you have saved my life in your protection and love. Amen.


In acceptance I transcend physical loss and embrace the love that will always be in my heart.